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A Holding Trust in the Cook Islands

Why, When, Where, Who & What: A Holding Trust in the Cook Islands

Why Establish a Holding Trust in the Cook Islands?

The Cook Islands are renowned for their robust asset protection trust laws. Establishing a holding trust here can provide unparalleled protection against lawsuits and creditors, making it a secure option for safeguarding wealth.

When to Establish a Holding Trust?

Consider setting up a trust when you need to protect assets from potential legal claims or if you are involved in high-risk professions. It’s also beneficial for long-term estate planning and preserving wealth for future generations.

Where to Establish the Trust?

The Cook Islands, particularly Rarotonga, offer a strong legal framework for trusts. Working with a local trustee company can help navigate the specific requirements and ensure that the trust is set up correctly.

Who Should Establish a Holding Trust?

Individuals at high risk of litigation, business owners, and those seeking robust asset protection mechanisms should consider a Cook Islands trust. It’s also suitable for those wanting to ensure that their assets are securely managed and transferred to beneficiaries.

What Are the Requirements?

Establishing a trust typically requires a trust deed, identification of trustees and beneficiaries, and details of the assets to be included. Engaging with a legal advisor experienced in Cook Islands trust law is essential.

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